Sunday, March 25, 2007

Growing Upside Down

Growing Upside Down by Victoria Rosendahl
I regularly receive the catalog from Gardener's Supply Company and have been watching, with interest, the marketing of something called a Topsy Turvy planter. The idea behind this planter is that you grow vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers or squash in a planter that hangs from a hook. But the plant itself grows out the bottom.I thought this was an intriguing idea and the copy in the catalog said that some of the benefits included not having to weed the garden, not having to worry about cutworms, and it’s great for people who have very little space to garden but still love gardening nonetheless.Now, if you’ve followed my blog, articles, and have visited my web site you'll know that I'm all about saving money in the garden and looking good doing it. So I ordered a Topsy Turvy planter and it came last week. Just a word of caution, here. To read more, click here.